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Downloads - nusb33e.exe at USB Storage Driver/

Folder /downloads/Windows 98/USB Storage Driver/
nusb33e.exe (756 KiB)

Windows 98 USB Storage Driver

This enables the use of USB flash drives in Windows 98. Very convenient, but without USB 2.0 it can be quite slow. Still, better than nothing.

File readme:
Maximus Decim Native USB ver.3.3

Only for Windows 98SE English !!!

*Native (without installation of additional drivers
for each type) support USB flash drives, digital
photo and videocameras and other similar devices.
*Universal Stack USB 2.0 (without installation
of additional drivers for each chipsets)
with uninstall.
1.Remove ALL drivers USB flash drives.
2.Remove ALL drivers USB 2.0 controllers.
3.Remove ALL unknown devices.
4.Install NUSB 3.21 and reboot.
5.After detection new USB 2.0 controllers
(if it will occur) too it is necessary to be reboot.
Remember! You install it at own risk!

Source: https://www.philscomputerlab.com/windows-98-usb-storage-driver.html
Tested: working

Total downloads: 20
Last file update: 2023-11-14
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