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Downloads - KMforWin2000_Installer.exe at K-Meleon/ Folder /downloads/Web browsers/K-Meleon/
| | KMforWin2000_Installer.exe (21.48 MiB) |
Unstable port of K-Meleon 74 for Windows 2000
Note: This is a community installer for an unstable version of K-Meleon.
There is an unstable port of K-Meleon 74 for Windows 2000 that includes the Goanna 2.2 engine, Transport Layer Security (TLS) support, and several fixes from recent Goanna versions. Most web browsers designed for Windows 2000 (and 98) did not support TLS and cannot access modern sites using the HTTPS protocol. This is the most modern web engine that can run on the Windows 2000 and Windows 9X operating systems.
Tested: working Source: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/wiki/InstallerForWindows2000
Total downloads: 8 Last file update: 2023-09-16
Use the HTTPS Download when a modern browser doesn't want to start download.